SBE Students Grants: The Spanish Biophysical Society (SBE) kindly funds grants for young researchers to attend the ESAB 2024 Congress.
The Applicants must:
- Be a pre-doctoral student at the time of application or a post-doctoral researcher who has obtained the PhD degree less than three years ago.
- Be an Ordinary or Associate Member of SBE.
- Submit an abstract for the Congress.
How to apply:
Applications need the following documents:
- 1. Application letter (in free format, one page limiting, explaining their motivation to attend the meeting).
- 2. Short CV.
- 3. Proof of SBE membership.
- 4. Abstract to be submitted to the congress as first author.
How to fill the registration form:
Registration in the congress: For registration to be completed, indicate payment method transfer, but do not make the payment until you know if you have been awarded the grant.
- The award decision announcement will be no later than 15 April 2024.
- Grants will be awarded according to the scientific significance of the application submitted.
- Preference will be given to those applicants who had not received a grant to attend any of the previous SBE Congresses.
- Awardees will not receive more than one grant for attending the ESAB 2024 Congress.
- Awardees will accept the commitment to be SBE member at least until the end of December 2026.
Application Deadline: March 31st 2024. Applications should be sent by email to the SBE Scientific Secretary: Douglas Laurents at